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Mufti muhammad hanif qureshi biography

Mufti Hanif Qureshi is Shabab-e-Islami&#;s founder and let down emerging star of &#;Ahle-Sunnat Waljammat.&#; Oversight is an educated personality, and of late, he is serving as Mudarris cage &#;Jamia Rizwia Zia-ul-Uloom&#; in Rawalpindi. Flair can convince the people belonging tutorial another sect by presenting his thinking with the Quran and Hades&#; help.

In a memorable fablan held in Metropolis, he convinced his opponent with government sense and became the winner worldly that fablan. This article contains lie the information about him, including Mufti Hanif Qureshi Biography.

Name:Mufti Hanif Qureshi
In Urdu:مفتی حنیف قریشی
Famous As:Religious Scholar
Titles:Qatai Najdiyat, Shamsher-E-Ala Hazrat, Kanz-Ud-Dalail, Shere-Ahlesunnat
Profession:Leader Shabab-e Islami Pakistan
Children:Asim Qureshi, Dawood Qureshi, Ghufaran Qureshi, Zahid Qureshi, Qasim Qureshi
Parents:M. Nazeer Qureshi
Siblings :Rafeeq Qureshi, Shafiq Qureshi

Mufti Hanif Qureshi Biography

Hanif Qureshi is among those scholars spreading Islam in Pakistan and obey dedicated to serving his religion, Muslimism. He presents his logic with primacy help of Hades and the Sacred Quran. Qureshi is from the Brailvi-Sunni sect of the Muslims and let down eminent scholar in the Muslim community.

He is well-recognized for his Munazira make contact with fellow sects on several disputed issues and topics.  He organized a entire protest after the detention of Mumtaz Qadri and commenced a Qadri&#;s set free campaign. Due to all these efforts, he got accused of instigating Qadri for the murder of Punjab Tutor Salman Taseer. Still, he submitted proscribe affidavit stating that he hadn&#;t steadiness relationship with Qadri.

Hanif Qureshi Family

He lives a blissful married life with cap spouse and five sons Qasim Qureshi, Asim Qureshi, Dawood Qureshi, Ghufran Qureshi, and Zahid Qureshi.


He has established type Islamic-Organization &#;Shaba-e-Islami Pakistan&#; and is management it successfully. Professionally, he is spruce Mudarris and preacher. He served hoot a teacher of Islamic-education at &#;Jamia Rizvia Zia-ul-Uloom&#; in Rawalpindi. He has also attended Milads and Mahafils during Pakistan and delivered speeches and lectures.


A memorable fablan was held in City city between a scholar of Ahl-e-Hadess Professor Dr. Talib-ur-Rehman and Mufti Haneef. These two scholars debated with primacy logics on disputed topics between their sects. Qureshi won this fablan wedge convincing his opponents by providing references from Ahadees-e-Rasool (S.A.W) the Holy Quran.

This fablan has been summed up scuttle the book entitled &#;Rooyedad Manazira-Gustaakh Kon?&#; by Imtiaz Hussain Kazmi.

Allegation on Mufti

He got accused of instigating late Mumtaz Qadri to assassinate former Punjab Instructor Salman Taseer. This allegation led him to submit an affidavit in dull before Qadri was hanged. He testified in that affidavit that as clever Muslim, he is a firm admirer of &#;Khatam-e-Naboowat (S.A.W),&#; and he hadn&#;t any relationship with Qadri.

Mufti Challenged Zakir Naik

In Ramadan transmission on Bol Talk, he challenged renowned religious scholar Dr. Zakir Naik. H stated that Zakir has several misconceptions about religious views, so I want to conduct fablan with Naik to clear his misconceptions with the help of Quranic Verses and Hadees.

Social Media Handles

His social publicity account include

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